• Automotive

    Are Crypto Currencies a Capital Asset?

    Since their creation in 2009, cryptocurrencies have rapidly progressed from digital novelties to trillion-dollar technologies with the potential to disrupt global finance systems. Alongside their popularity has come increased regulation – but an overlooked aspect is how the IRS treats cryptocurrency assets as capital assets; which could impose taxes upon…

  • Automotive

    Will All Crypto Currencies Go Up in 2024?

    Cryptocurrency investments can be highly unpredictable. Cryptocurrencies’ prices can fluctuate quickly, leaving no guarantee that a coin you buy will increase in value over time. Because of this instability, it’s hard to know which coins are worthwhile investing in; you could spend months researching one only to realize it has…

  • Automotive

    How to Play Lotto Housie Game

    Before beginning any game of housie, the coordinator must announce all pertinent details, such as serial number and color of card series being used and any available prizes for that particular game. They should also inform participants that playing will only continue once an individual completes an individual part series…

  • Automotive

    How to Program a Forex Robot

    Forex trading can be an exciting business venture, yet can also be time consuming as you must monitor currency market developments and global economic news. Robots can help automate your trading activities to save time and effort – though creating one successfully requires extensive knowledge of trading strategies, programming languages,…

  • Automotive

    Is Poker a Sport Or Gambling?

    There is no definitive answer as to whether poker should be considered a sport or gambling, since its classification ultimately depends on your definitions of both. While some might view poker as solely gambling-oriented, others would argue it requires considerable skill and strategy – indeed tournaments and professional players indicate…

  • Automotive

    Can I Drink Herbal Tea While Fasting?

    Real tea (green, oolong, black, white and pu-erh teas) should be consumed during fasts provided it remains unsweetened and caffeine free. These types of tea are composed of leaves harvested from Camellia sinensis shrub. Herbal teas, on the other hand, are created by infusing plants other than Camellia sinensis with…

  • Automotive

    Can I Make Money With Forex Trading?

    Many are drawn to Forex because it seems like an easy way to make money. But understanding the complexities of the Forex market and developing sound trading strategies are both necessary before any money can be made from Forex trading. Otherwise, promises of high profits without investing may simply not…