• Legal & Law

    How to Play the New Lotto Game

    Newsletters provided free at lottery retailers can also help to educate players on how to play the new Lotto game. Typically these publications contain information on new games, prizes remaining on instant games and special promotions as well as stories of previous winner stories or hot and cold numbers that…

  • Legal & Law

    How Old is the Parker Bros Banner Lotto Game?

    Early 1900s saw Parker Brothers scale back on elaborate game sets in favor of card games, expanding their product offering with other toys such as wood jigsaw puzzles. Parker Brothers even imported British Ping-Pong fever into America through selling an identical board game known as Table Tennis which later changed…

  • Digital Marketing

    How to Make Your Own Forex Robot

    Forex robots, also known as Expert Advisors (EA), automate trading by identifying market opportunities and placing trades on your behalf. EAs monitor the markets in real time to take into account any fluctuation that affects a currency pair at any given moment; additionally they open and close orders as needed,…

  • Business

    How to Win on the Poker Machines

    If you want to succeed at poker machines, it’s essential that you understand their workings. Gambling machines like poker are designed to take your money, making it hard to walk away. But by knowing your odds and developing a plan you can turn these odds to your favor and play…

  • Business

    How Do Poker Machines Work?

    Poker machines can be like an irresistibly alluring siren song for people struggling with gambling addiction. Their alluring glow draws people in even though they know it can lead to money losses and worse outcomes in life. But what exactly draws people in repeatedly, even knowing they may lose all…

  • Others

    What is the Easiest Lottery Game to Win?

    Many people dream of winning the lottery. Some even go so far as to try cheating in order to increase their odds, though such attempts are illegal and likely end badly for those engaged in them. Luckily, there are ways legally increase your odds of success at playing lottery, such…

  • Business

    Is Forex Trading Halal in Islam?

    Forex trading has emerged as an integral component of global financial markets, appealing to investors with its dynamic nature and promise of significant returns. But for Muslims, its emergence raises serious concerns over whether currency trading is permissible under Islamic finance principles which distinguish between permissible (halal) and prohibited (haram)…

  • Automotive

    Can I Make Money With Forex Trading?

    Many are drawn to Forex because it seems like an easy way to make money. But understanding the complexities of the Forex market and developing sound trading strategies are both necessary before any money can be made from Forex trading. Otherwise, promises of high profits without investing may simply not…